Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has made a mark in Bollywood because of his exemplary talent and power-packed performances in almost all of his films. The actor made his debut in a small role in Aamir Khan’s Sarfarosh in 1999. He kept on doing small roles till he became a household name in 2012 with Anurag Kashyap’s ' ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’. 

In a conversation with ABP Live, the actor had recalled his struggling days and said, “The journey in between was very difficult. I was doing small roles in some films but the main problem was survival. There was a huge gap between work, so whenever the frustrating stage started to occur, friends nearby used to support each other. The good part about that journey was I had many friends and many actors whose condition was also not good. It used to happen that if someone got work, then we all used to go to his house. We used to eat and drink together. That’s how I survived for 8-9 years. 

Since then, the actor has proven himself in every role he has taken on and has delivered to the utmost perfection. Though there are many memorable performances by the actor, here are five roles by the actor that didn’t get as much popularity as they deserved: 

The Lunchbox: Released in 2013, the audience witnessed Nawazuddin’s beautiful performance opposite the late legendary actor Irfan Khan. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, where Nawazuddin won acclaim for his short but remarkable and memorable role. Nawaz’s role was short but the actor unfolded his colors beautifully, leaving an impact on our hearts.  

Manto: This biographical drama by Nawaz was a top-notch performance delivered by the star. Nawazuddin as an author and writer Saadat Hasan Manto nailed the character with his line delivery and intensity. 

Raman Raghav 2.0 - Nawazuddin as real-life killer Ramanna pushed all the boundaries to bring the character to life on the big screen. He was excellent in the film.

Serious Men: Nawazuddin is not just popular on the big screen but he has smoothly taken over our OTT screens as well. In Serious Men, Nawazuddin played a father who lies about his son’s capabilities and the things soon get out of control. The actor like always delivered a terrific and convincing performance. 

Thackeray: Based on the life of the late Balasaheb Thackeray, Nawazuddin was succesful in transforming into the Shiv Sena chief. From his look to mannerisms to his dialogue delivery – he did complete justice to the role.