New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday visited the Mumbai residence of Sonakshi Sinha in an apparent attempt to reach out to the Bollywood actor. The ongoing investigation by UP Police is in connection with a case registered against the actor for allegedly not performing at an event despite accepting payment for the same.
In February, a case was registered against the actor and four others for allegedly accepting Rs 24 lakh for a stage performance but not turning up for the event. The event was scheduled to take place in September 2018.
The case was registered under sections 420 (cheating) and 406 of IPC. (ANI)
Mumbai: UP Police Visit Sonakshi Sinha's House For Inquiry In Fraud Case
Updated at:
12 Jul 2019 10:56 AM (IST)
In February, a case was registered against the actor and four others for allegedly accepting Rs 24 lakh for a stage performance but not turning up for the event. The event was scheduled to take place in September 2018.
The Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday visited the Mumbai residence of Sonakshi Sinha in an apparent attempt to reach out to the Bollywood actor. (PTI)
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