Mumbai: The poster of Tigmanshu Dhulia’s ‘Milan Talkies’ starring Ali Faizal and Shraddha Srinath is out. The film is a love story set in Uttar Pradesh around 2010-2013 when single screen theatres were still prominent in smaller Indian towns and film print was still in circulation. Speaking about it, actor Ali Fazal said, “What really hit my heart was the fact that this boy works at a projection room that is the hub of communication to the outside world in a small city like Allahabad and yet he is unable to communicate his love to his girlfriend. It is a story revolving around them in the period when the single screen where making the big shift to the multiplex. It is an unconventional love story.

Director Tigmanshu Dhulia further added, “Milan Talkies is very close to my heart. It is a beautiful desi romantic love story set in Uttar Pradesh. Ali and Shraddha have done a brilliant job. I am really looking forward to showing the film to the audience. I hope they like it.

Trade analyst Taran Adarsh also tweeted, “Trailer out tomorrow... First look poster of #MilanTalkies... Stars Ali Fazal, Shraddha Srinath, Sanjay Mishra, Ashutosh Rana, Reecha Sinha and Sikandar Kher... Directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia... Produced by PS Chhatwal... 15 March 2019 release.

The film’s story, screenplay, and dialogues are written by Tigmanshu Dhulia and Kamal Pandey. The film also stars Ashutosh Rana, Sanjay Mishra, Reecha Sinha and Sikander Kher in pivotal roles. Produced by Filmy Keeda Productions in association with Om Prakash Bhatt (Purple Bull Entertainment), the film is set to release on March 15.