‘Gully Boy’ earned Rs. 19.40 crore on Thursday on it's release day but the collections saw a slight dip on Friday with the film minting Rs. 13.10 crore. The film made Rs. 18.65 on Saturday and continued to rule the ticket windows on Sunday, earning Rs. 21.30 crore, taking its total collection to Rs. 72.45 crore.
With the opening weekend business of 72.45 crore, Taran had expected it to cross 75 mark on Monday but the film did beyond expectations. Now the trade analyst predicts it would enter 100 crore club by Thursday.
‘Gully Boy’ opened to great reviews from both film critics and audiences. It first premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival. Many of the international publications gave the film a good review.
Gully Boy Movie Review: Ranveer Singh Alia Bhatt’s give perfect Valentine’s Day gift to fans!
Even Hollywood actor Will Smith became a fan of Ranveer and shared a video on his Instagram account, praising Ranveer’s rapping skills.
Ranveer Singh's Gully Boy: Hollywood star Will Smith praises the movie with a congratulatory message on Instagram
Karan Johar also shared a heartfel post for the lead actors calling 'Gully Boy' a cult classic.
Karan Johar shares heartfelt post for Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt's ‘Gully Boy’ team, calls it a “cult classic”
'Gully Boy' is inspired by the lives of Mumbai street rappers Vivian Fernandes aka Divine and Naved Shaikh aka Naezy. The film is directed by Zoya Akhtar and released on Valentine's Day, February 14.