The #MeToo movement in India gained momentum when Tanushree Dutta opened up about facing harassment at the hands of Nana Patekar during the shooting of the film-'Horn OK Pleassss'. Actress Saloni Chopra, journalist Karishma Upadhyay and ‘Ungli’ actress Rachel White have come forward to tell their tale of #MeToo. The three of them have accused director Sajid Khan of sexual misconduct. Sajid, who was busy shooting for Akshay Kumar’s ‘Housefull 4’, had to step down as the director. Sajid’s cousin and Bollywood actor-director Farhan Akhtar has said that he is shocked to hear about the allegations against the ‘Humshakals’ director.

Akhtar took to Twitter to  say that he is disappointed to read the stories about Sajid Khan’s behaviour.

‘’ I cannot adequately stress how shocked, disappointed and heartbroken I am to read the stories about Sajid’s behaviour. I don’t know how but he will have to find a way to atone for his alleged actions,’’ the ‘Dil Chahta Hai’ director wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Sajid Khan, who is receiving a lot of flak on social media, announced on Twitter that he is stepping down as the director of ‘Housefull 4’, till the time he can allay the allegations on him.

Akshay Kumar, who is one of the leads of the upcoming film, said that he requested the makers to cancel the shoot until further investigation.

Several other Bollywood biggies like Subash Ghai, Luv Ranjan, Subhash Kapoor and Vikas Bahl have also been acussed of sexual misconduct.

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