Mumbai: June 14, 2021, will mark Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s first death anniversary. As it has almost been a year that the ‘Chhichhore actor breathed his last, his family, friends and fans are extremely emotional as they remember memories spent with SSR. While everyone is grappling hard to cope up with his sudden loss even after a year, Sushant’s co-star Manoj Bajpayee remembered and talked about the ‘fond memories’ he spent with the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor.
Manoj Bajpayee and Sushant Singh Rajput worked together in the film 'Sonchiriya'. The actor, in an interview with an entertainment portal, spoke about one of the memorable moments spent with Sushant. ‘The Family Man 2’ actor recalled that Sushant would show them stars through his telescope.
The ‘Aligarh’ actor further revealed that while shooting for their film, they used to party together. Manoj said that as SSR was very interested in space, the ‘Raabta’ actor carried an expensive telescope with him and would make him and others look at the stars.
Manoj Bajpayee told PinkVilla, “Just now when you asked me about him in the past tense, it suddenly struck me that he is no more with us. But I still can’t believe that he is no longer with us. While shooting for Sonchiriya, we used to party together and he was quite interested in looking at the stars and the planets. He had an expensive telescope which he was carrying with him, and even used to make us look at the stars, and would explain about the galaxy and the planets. That’s my fond memory about him.”
Sushant Singh Rajput was allegedly found hanging in his apartment last year. His untimely demise shook the industry and people are still mourning his demise.
SSR made his acting debut with the TV serial ‘Pavitra Rishta’ and then forayed into Bollywood with the film ‘Kai Po Che!’. He established himself as one of the finest artists of the country in his career of 7 years in the Hindi film industry.
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