A woman had recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her in an ATM situated in Mulund East of Mumbai late in the night of Saturday and posted it on Twitter after which the video went viral. The accused named Sandeep Khumbharkar as the girl claims, can be clearly seen with his private part out of his denims zipper flashing it at her while she quietly records him. Soon after, upon threatening him about the video, the guy puts back his part inside and rushes out of the ATM. Girl posted series of tweets on the following morning on Twitter and it also caught attention of the Bollywood actresses Richa Chadha and Swara Bhaskar.

Swara, calling the girl a "brave warrior", replying to her tweet, wrote- "U GO you brave brave warrior!!!! So sorry you had to suffer this but so grateful for your bravery.. creepy bloody flasher has been arrested! Thank you for your prompt action".

Richa on the other hand tweets- "Flashers of the world, beware! You may encounter a woman who’s not afraid. Sorry you had to go through this sister, and thank you internet for sharing this repeatedly. DELIGHTED that he’s been arrested! Ladies, keep our about us, like she did! ".

And here's what had happened that night. The girl narrated the whole incident on Instagram, also sharing that the man has been arrested.

She wrote in her long message: "This is what happened: Last night, I was coming home from bandra after a gig and I stopped the rickshaw at an ATM near my house. I enter the ATM and I'm frustrated when the machine won't dispense money. This is the first time when the man (Sandeep Khumbharkar) enters the ATM and asks if I need help or want him to pay for the ride. I politely decline saying that I'll manage. Once I exit the ATM, I get into an argument with the rickshaw guy with regards to how I'll be paying him the fare. This is when a cop car pulls up and I explain my situation to them. 5-10 mins after talking to the cops, I say that I'll give the ATM another try. I'm once again at the ATM trying to withdraw money. And the man enters the ATM once again. But this time, he moves in closer and touches my shoulder and thigh, again asking if I need help. I instantly back off and yell at him to stay away from me and that I don't need his help. I go back to trying to withdraw money again, and he's still there. When I hear him, he's calling out to me and blatantly asking me to look at his hard dick that he had pulled out of his denim's zipper area. I quietly start my video recorder and turn the camera right at him. That's when he freaks out and runs out of the ATM. I run to the cop car and show them the video. They instantly start following the guy who has fled on his scooter.

She continues... "So today morning, I go the police station and they have already informed me that they have the guy in custody. He's crying and pleading. But I knew I had to take action against him. So along with my dad, I filed an FIR against him. He claimed to be drunk at the time, which does not exuse his actions at all."

Adds next... "What he did, was scary and terrifying. This was a locality wherein I felt safe. But he has ruined it for me. I can't walk the streets feeling the same sense of safety. AND THIS IS MY HOME!"

Signs off her mesage with... "I will be giving my official statement to the judge in the coming week and I plan on taking this man to court and make him pay for the way he made feel. What's baffling is that he felt it was okay to flash his dick in a place full of cameras."

The accused was later arrested by the Navghar police. A case under sections 354(A) & 509 of IPC has been registered against him.

The girl is getting full support from the social media users and everyone is lashing out at this man posting strong comments against his lewd behavior.

Here are the reactions of people they posted on Swara, Richa and the victim's pages.

Brave girl praised by social media users after she recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her and got him arrested

Brave girl praised by social media users after she recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her and got him arrested

Brave girl praised by social media users after she recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her and got him arrested

Brave girl praised by social media users after she recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her and got him arrested

Brave girl praised by social media users after she recorded the video of a man flashing dick at her and got him arrested