Esha Deol’s daughter Radhya Takhtani is one of the cutest little munchkins we have in Bollywood. Fans have not been able to stop themselves from gushing over her cuteness since the time the ‘Dhoom’ actress shared her picture on social media. Esha is currently in USA along with her daughter, husband Bharat Takhtani, mother Hema Malini and Abhay Deol for a vacation. All of them are having a gala time in the States and the pictures on Instagram are a solid proof of that.

Giving the fans a treat, ‘mamu’ Abhay Deol took to Instagram to share an adorable picture with niece Radhya Takhtani with the caption, ‘’TALK TO THE HAND BUDDY! Not even 9 months old and already sassy. Ah well, she is my niece!’’

The cutie pie Radhya can be seen pressing her little palm on her mamu’s face as if telling him the actor to keep quiet (pun intended). The cuteness of the picture and the epic caption not only caught our attention but the fans too.

Check out the picture right here.

Mommy Esha Deol commented on the picture saying, "she's my daughter after all.’’

Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu also posted a comment on the post. The ‘Raaz’ actress wrote ,’’ Sooo cute.’’

Check out some more pictures of the little bundle of joy.

Also See- Esha Deol celebrates first mother's day with daughter Radhya

On the professional front, Abhay Deol will be next seen in 'Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi' opposite Diana Penty and Sonakshi Sinha. The Mudassar Aziz directorial is slated to hit the silver screens on August 24.

Stay tuned for more updates!