Bollywood's adorable couple Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira are expecting baby no. 2 and on Sunday(July 15) the actor hosted a baby-shower for the mommy-to-be which was attended by family members and close friends. Amongst those who attended and blessed the couple was Shahid's dad Pankaj Kapoor and wife Supriya Pathak, mother Neelima Azim, brother Ishaan Khatter and his 'Dhadak' co-star Janhvi Kapoor. Designer Kunal Rawal who is also good friends with Shahid to graced the event.
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Here are some inside pics where a heavily pregnant Mira Rajput can be seen flaunting her bump in a gorgeous outfit. The soon-to-be mommy was glowing like never before as she cut the cake with daddy-to-be shahid!
Mommy-to-be Mira all smiles at her baby-shower
Mira feeding cake to hubby Shahid at her baby shower
Mira Rajput posing with her friends
Mommy-to-be with a friend's baby
Here are pics of the guests who attended the baby shower:
Shahid Kapoor's father Pankaj Kapur with wife Supriya Pathak
Janhvi Kapoor looked pretty in her floral maxi dress
Janhvi made sure to attend the baby shower of his first co-star Ishaan's bhabhi
Shahid Kapoor's mother Neelima Azim(behind Janhvi) with son Ishaan Khatter
Janhvi looked gorgeous in her stunning outfit
Despite of heavy rain she attended the bash
We totally loved Janhvi's style
Shahid's good friend and designer Kunal Rawal