New Delhi: Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan shocked Bollywood and their fans when they announced the decision to end their 18-year-old marriage. The two tinsel town stars officially got divorced on May 11, 2017 but they have remained tight-lipped about their separation. Malaika, while talking to Kareena Kapoor Khan on her radio show ‘What Women Want’, has finally opened up on her divorce with Arbaaz. The ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’ girl talked about how difficult the decision to get divorced was for her.

We did think about a lot of things and weighed every single pro and con. And then we decided, it’s better off that we move our separate ways because we’d just be better people. Because we were two people in a situation making each other extremely unhappy which was impacting everybody else’s life around us,” Malaika was quoted as saying on the show.

Malaika told Bebo that she is glad she opened up about her divorce on her show.

The ‘Veere Di Wedding’ actress asked Malaika if she felt any difference in the way people treated her post her divorce.

''I don't think anybody treated me any differently. But I will be honest; there was a certain sense of how the hell did you pull it off. How did you do it? So, I think that's about, that was the only thing that I felt,’’ Malaika said.

‘’Do you think there's a difference in treatment from society, you know, when a divorced man, actually versus, you know, divorced woman?,’’ Kareena asked Malaika.

‘’Yeah, my God. That’s the biggest disparity that there is. Amongst the many other disparities that you have to deal with, men and women, but men really don’t have that; and I am not somebody to sit and bash men. I have a lot of respect for men in my life. But it’s very easy for a man to move on with his life,’’ the ‘India’s Got Talent 8’ judge answered.

The ‘Good News’ actress also asked Malaika about her opinion on a couple remaining friends even after divorce.

That’s a tricky one because I think some manage to strike the balance, some never. I think it’s more when you have a child involved. I think it’s always essential to continue having some sort of cordial relationship. So, I think more when there are children involved, then you kind of still maintain that bond,’’ Malaika replied.

‘’I would say that Arbaaz and me are best of friends or something like that. But I think, we are cordial, we have a very healthy relationship and of course our child is the most important factor in our life,’’ the 45-year-old actress added.

Check out the video!

Post her divorce with Arbaaz, Malaika found love again in Arjun Kapoor. Although, the two alleged lovebirds have remained mum on their relationship, they have been often spotted together at B-town parties and dinner dates.

PIC! Arjun Kapoor & Malaika Arora celebrate New Year together at Sanjay Kapoor’s party

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