New Delhi: Kriti Sanon and Prabhas will be seen together in 'Adipurush' for the first time together. This mega-project has been in the making for quite some time and thus the excitement around the film. Recently, at the grand trailer launch of 'Adipurush', a clip of Kriti Sanon went viral. In the video, Kriti Sanon is seen sitting on the floor as she did not want to disturb the ones already seated inside the hall.

The video shows her looking for a seat and when she did not find one, she squatted and sat on the ground. Realizing it, the others quickly get up to offer her a seat.

While the fans of the actress praised her for her move, calling her a very simple person, a section of people on the Internet also believes that it was a publicity stunt and there was no reason for her to sit on the floor at such a grand event.


Kriti essays the role of Janaki in 'Adipurush' which also stars Prabhas. The film retells the story of Ramayana. The trailer which was recently launched received appreciation from people at large after the debacle of a teaser that was released a few months back.

'Adipurush' will have its World Premiere in New York on June 13 at the Tribeca Festival, which is taking place from June 7 to 18. 

The mythological film based on the Hindu epic Ramayana has been written and directed by  Om Raut and produced by T-Series and Retrophiles. 'Adupurush' has also been simultaneously shot in Hindi and Telugu. 

It also stars Sunny Singh, Saif Ali Khan, Devdatta Nage besides Kriti Sanon and Prabhas. The music of 'Adipurush' has been composed by Ajay-Atul while the film has been budgeted at over ₹700 crore, making it one of the most expensive Indian films.

'Adipurush' is slated to be released on June 16, 2023.