After going through various controversies, director Abhishek Kapoor aka Gattu's next film 'Kedarnath', featuring Sushant Singh Rajput opposite Saif Ali Khan & Amrita Singh's gorgeous daughter Sara Ali Khan, is finally set to hit the screens in December this year. Few hours ago, the first look poster of 'Kedarnath' got released making fans super-excited for Sara Ali Khan's debut film. And after revealing the poster & announcing new release date, the makers of 'Kedarnath' have finally released the official teaser too.

Sara-Sushant in a still from 'Kedarnath'

'Kedarnath' director Abhishek Kapoor names his newborn son Shamsher; shares first pic too!

Film's director Abhishek aka 'Gattu' took to his Twitter account and shared the much-awaited teaser of 'Kedarnath' with fans. He wrote, "इस बार लाये हैं @rsvpmovies और @gitspictures एक झलक… प्रकृति के क्रोध का, और साथ होगा… सिर्फ.. प्यार | Presenting the official In Cinemas on 7th December. @itsSSR #SaraAliKhan @RonnieScrewvala @pragyadav_ @ZeeMusicCompany #Kedarnath"

Check out his post below:

Shot along a 14-km pilgrimage from Gauri Kund to Kedarnath -- the 2000-year-old temple of Lord Shiva, the film depicts the love story of Mansoor and Mukku played by Sushant Singh Rajput and Sara, respectively. The mountain tsunami that wrecked the temple town in June of 2013, leaving thousands dead, sets the backdrop for this love story.

Kedarnath actress Sara Ali Khan ANGRY on media for clicking her at temple!

The lead characters fell in love during the 'kedarnath' journey but nature plays the villain. Sushant & Sara are looking great together in the teaser & share sizzling chemistry. 'Kedarnath' is Sara Ali Khan's debut film and she is indeed looking beautiful. She has a great screen-presence and the promo will raise your expectations from Sara. The 1 minute 39 seconds teaser is interesting & leaves you intrigued.

Produced by RSVP and Guy In The Sky Pictures, Kedarnath carries a tagline "Love is a Pilgrimage". The film is set to release on December 7.

Watch 'Kedarnath' teaser below: