Mumbai: Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child, a baby boy, on February 21, 2021. The couple is cloud nine after the arrival of a little bundle joy in their lives. Kareena’s father Randhir Kapoor recently confirmed that the new parents have named their newborn son Jeh. While the duo has remained secretive about their child, fan clubs claim to have found a picture of Jeh and Taimur with their mother from ‘Pregnancy Bible’.
Last week, Kareena announced the launch of her new book ‘Pregnancy Bible’, which offers a personal account of her experience during her two pregnancies. Fan clubs have claimed that the unseen photos of Jeh and Taimur, which are going viral on social media, feature In Bebo’s new book.
Also READ: Kareena Kapoor & Saif Ali Khan’s Second Son Name Revealed; Know Baby Pataudi’s Adorable Name Here!
The 'Good Newwz' actress can be seen kissing a baby on forehead in the adorable snap. Kareena is yet to share the same photo on her official Instagram handle. Check out the photo, which has grabbed several eyeballs on social media.
Bebo landed in controversy after she launched her new book as a Christian group accused her of hurting religious sentiments of the community. A police complaint was filed against her and two others in Maharashtra's Beed.
Full REPORT: Complaint Filed Against Kareena Kapoor Khan & Others Over Title Of Her Book 'Pregnancy Bible'
Kareena and Saif shifted to a new house in Mumbai ahead of the birth of their second child. The couple has refrained from sharing full-fledged photos of their newborn son on social media.
Their elder son Taimur Ali Khan is considered one of the most popular star kids in tinsel town. He is called internet’s favorite child as his photos go viral in no time.
On the professional front, Kareena will be next seen in ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’. The much-awaited flick co-starring Aamir Khan is the Hindi adaptation of ‘Forrest Grump’. The comedy drama is expected to hit the silver screens in December 2021, if things go as planned.
Talking about Saif Ali Khan, he will entertain the audience with 'Bhoot Police'. The horror comedy co-starring Arjun Kapoor, Yami Gautam and Jacqueline Fernandez will premiere directly on Disney+Hotstar on September 17, 2021.
Watch this space for more updates!