New Delhi: Actress Kangana Ranaut just unveiled the trailer for her upcoming directorial venture, 'Tiku Weds Sheru'. Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Avneet Kaur play the key roles in the movie. At the trailer launch event on Wednesday in Mumbai, Kangana claimed that only the stories of achievers and successful people find their way to the big screen. The actress also discussed the less positive aspects of Mumbai and her own struggles in the business.
But, according to Kangana, there are a great number of aspirants who travel to Mumbai every day in hopes of breaking into the film industry. Talking about it, the actress said, "All of us, including Nawaz sir, have gone through the grind of those struggling days. Today, we have everything, like stardom and fans, and the world is very kind to us. But we have also seen the other side of Mumbai, of Bollywood, and the underbelly of Bollywood, as we call it the shady audition offices and offers.”
Shedding more light on the topic, Kangana added further, "This film is a heartfelt ode and love letter to those who come to the city and somewhere lose their dreams but end up finding something much more meaningful. We have come from outside, we have seen these kind of struggles, but somehow, only an achiever’s film makes it to the celluloid… But there are lakhs and lakhs of people who come to Mumbai everyday. Where do these people go? What happens to them?”
Nawazuddin talked about his tough early years as an artist, recalling how makeup assistants would blow powder on his face. Recalling those days, the actor said, "I remember, I was a junior artist in a film and there were other junior artists as well. Our make-up man made us stand in a line and he brought powder in his hand and blew it on our face one after the other and said ‘make-up is done.’”
'Tiku Weds Sheru' will release on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video, streaming from June 23.
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