New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut on Sunday shared the picture of her Bungalow number 5, which was partially razed by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) last month. The pictures of the demolished building which was decked up for the festival were accompanied by a caption directly attacking the ruling MVA government of the state, which she termed as ‘Pappu Sena’.

“My broken dream smiling in your face Sanjay Raut, Pappu Sena could break my house but not my spirit, Banglow number 5 is celebrating the triumph of good over evil today #HappyDussehra,” she tweeted.

She even named Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut with whom she had a direct spat on Twitter in September.

BMC had earlier pulled down parts of the Bandra bungalow of Ranaut terming those as alleged illegal alterations , however,  the Bombay High Court ordered a stay on the process.

Last month a Twitter war erupted between Raut and Kangana when the actress said that Mumbai felt like Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, following the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in June this year. She had earlier said that she feared Mumbai Police more than ‘movie mafia’. Raut then demanded that actress Kangana Ranaut apologise for her comments against Mumbai and Maharashtra.

In a tweet, Ranaut  had asked, "Why is Mumbai feeling like Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir?". She had tagged a September 1 news report where Raut purportedly said she should not come back to Mumbai if she was afraid of the city police.

of words between the Rajya Sabha member and Bollywood actor erupted over Kangana’s comment about “Mumbai feeling like Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.”