Bollywood's famous star kids, Shah Rukh Khan's children Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan are often in the news for some or the other reason. While Aryan Khan is not highly active on social media, his sister Suhana is highly active on social media. King Khan's adorable daughter Suhana has a good fan following on social media. Every photo she shares goes viral. Recently, Suhana has shared a very cute picture with her brother Aryan Khan and sister Alia Chhiba.
In the pics it can be seen that Suhana Khan is having a lot of fun with her cousin Alia Chhiba. Photos of both often go viral on social media. Now, her brother Aryan Khan has also joined the gang. Suhana has shared a picture of the trio on her Instagram story, which her fans are liking a lot.
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While sharing this picture, Suhana has written in the caption, 'Oops' and with this she has also used a heart emoji. In the picture, Suhana can be seen wearing a white crop top with blue jeans and is looking very beautiful posing the camera in open hair. On the other hand, Aryan is seen wearing a gray hoodie and casual pants.
Photo: Instagram
Alia Chhibba also often posts her pictures with Suhana on social media. Recently, Alia also shared many photos on Instagram Story, in which Suhana is seen.
Suhana Khan has 1.2 million fan followers on Instagram. She is currently in Dubai with her entire family. Suhana reached the Dubai Stadium to watch the Indian Premier League (IPL) match with her dad Shahrukh Khan. During this, many of her pictures with Shahrukh Khan got viral on social media.
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Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana is known for her glamorous style and superb dressing sense. Suhana Khan was studying in the US, but due to the ongoing lockdown amid coronavirus pandemic, she is with her family in Mumbai.
Regarding the Bollywood career of Suhana Khan, her father Shah Rukh Khan himself said that she can enter the film world only after completing her studies.
Suhana Khan Shares Stunning Picture With Cousin Alia Chibba And Brother Aryan Khan - See Pic!
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
24 Oct 2020 11:36 PM (IST)
In the pics it can be seen that Suhana Khan is having a lot of fun with her cousin Alia Chhiba. Photos of both often go viral on social media. Now, her brother Aryan Khan has also joined the gang.
Photo: Instagram
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