New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut starrer ‘Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi’, which is one of the most-awaited films of the year, is all set to hit the silver screens on January 25. Ahead of the film’s release, the producer Kamal Jain was hospitalized at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital. Kamal, who is co-producing the period drama under his home banner Kairos Kontent Studios, informed everyone that he was hospitalized and would miss the last leg of promotions.

"Dear friends, this certainly is not the best time to be in the hospital. Hope to get well soon and enjoy the success of our collective dream & hard work. My best wishes to all,’’ Kamal Jain wrote on the micro-blogging site.

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Kamal suffered a paralytic stroke and he was in critical condition. However, a source at Kairos Kontent Studios had dismissed all the reports of his health.

''Kamal Jain contacted an infection in his throat, which spread to his chest and lungs. There is no need to worry about his health,'' the source told ABP News reporter Ravi Jain.

Also READ- Manikarnika producer Kamal Jain hospitalized due to lung infection, is not critical

Kangana Ranaut, while talking to a news portal, has also refuted the rumours of Kamal Jain’s ill health. The ‘Queen’ actress said that she was in touch with Kamal and also requested everyone to stop paying heed to sensational reports.

"He is doing fine. The reports are misleading. He fell sick last week and is on his way to recovery. I am in touch with him everyday. Request everyone to please stop backing sensational reports," Kangana told Times Now.

Talking about 'Manikarnika', the flick  is based on the life of Rani Laxmi Bai and her war against the British East India Company.

The film, which has been co-directed by Kangana and Krish, also stars Ankita Lokhande, Atul Kulkarni, Danny Denzongappa, Suresh Oberoi and Jisshu Sengupta.

Watch this space for more updates!

Also READ- Manikarnika row: Karni Sena warns Kangana Ranaut, says will ruin career prospects