Mumbai: Reliance Entertainment on Thursday filed a case against self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R. Khan aka KRK for leaking Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn's upcoming movie 'Shivaay'.
"It came to our notice that Mr Khan was recording the film from inside cinema hall in Dubai and he was posting them live on his Twitter handle today morning. This is not only a violation under Copyright Act and is also a criminal action under Cyber Laws," Reliance Entertainment said in a statement.
"We have already initiated legal and criminal action against such illegal and criminal activity of Mr Khan, and also in a process of informing all social media platforms, that if any such piracy takes place on any such platforms , then they will also be liable for the repercussion," it added.
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! Karan Johar reacts to Kamaal R Khan’s allegations of threat to him
Reliance Entertainment, the overseas distributor of the film, also said that piracy is a criminal activity and they will take strictest action under law.
The 'Deshdrohi' actor has, however, issued a clarification on Twitter and said, "For your information, I haven't recorded anything at all. I took a pic of Title #Shivaay only. @voxcinemas."
It all started when Ajay Devgn had posted an audio recording on Twitter exposing KRK when the latter went on slamming 'Shivaay'.
The Ajay Devgn directorial is slated to hit theatres tomorrow.