While 'Kabir Singh' is unstoppable at the Box Office and collected Rs. 15.91 cr on Day 6 taking the total to over 120 Crores, the Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani starrer is also being slammed for the misogyny and the violence shown against women in it. CBFC member and actress Vani Tripathi Tikoo blasted the film calling it "terribly misogynistic" and singer Sona Mohapatra also criticized it saying "Does the actor have no responsibility for choosing to play a part in a narrative that can set us back as a society?" in their tweets. Many female journalists have also been taking strong stands against the film and amid all this, Shahid's half brother and 'Dhadak' actor Ishaan Khatter  had taken to social media a day ago to defend his elder brother calling him a "responsible son, father, husband and brother" praising him for his portrayal of 'Kabir Singh'. Ishaan even lashed out at a troll who targeted Shahid in the comments section. After Ishaan, now Shahid's mother Neelima Azeem has also come out to defend her son.

Taking to the comments section of Ishaan Khatter's Instagram post about brother Shahid, Neelima wrote - "Friends what we need to understand is Kabir Singh is a film which is an A certificate film...All the great films down the ages be it scar face, a street car named desire or even god father or the recent a wolf on wall street would have to be scrapped ..great films with stupendous performances. Our adult audiences are intelligent enough to understand the difference between reel and real life...appreciate the film the narrative the music and the powehouse performance...its rare to see so much a film gives you...love".

In her next comment a few minutes later, she added- "Powerhouse...im so proud of my elder son Shahid..he has surpassed himself..enjoy the moment".

Ishaan's long note for his brother in the Instagram post read - "As happy as can be for my big brother today who’s always been a shining example of a human being for me. Not a doubt in the world that you deserve the smashing success but it continues to baffle me how you were able to play one of the most complex, lost and damaged characters with such perfection while returning home to being the most centered, loving and responsible family man I know. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a responsible son, father, husband and brother always AND for knocking me out with your performance in and as #KabirSingh [cigarette emoji]".

And when a troll hit at Shahid writing in reaction to Ishaan's post - "Sweet justification to misogyny, naice, very naice"

Ishaan responded with - "No, actually it’s quite the opposite. It’s an appreciation post for a gem of a human being and an actor par excellence. As for your read on the film, it’s cinema. Everybody should have an opinion. I don’t agree with yours. But that’s a conversation for another day enjoy your day!"

The comment and Ishaan's response to it already has over 250 replies and the debate is just not ending over 'Kabir Singh' and misogyny.

Shahid on the other hand had thanked his younger brother for the love, commenting on the same post: "More power to you Ishaan. Words too kind. Love you always. [heart emoji]".

Shahid's reaction on Ishaan's post

Shahid's mom Neelima Azeem reacts on Ishaan's post

Shahid's mom Neelima Azeem reacts on Ishaan's post

Shahid's mom Neelima Azeem reacts on Ishaan's post

Ishaan reacts to a troll