There’s no stopping Shahid Kapoor, Kiara Advani's 'Kabir Singh'. After setting the box office on fire with record first-weekend collection of over Rs 70 crore, the movie is bulldozing its way to record books. Within six days of its release, Kabir Singh has collected a whopping Rs 120.81 crore. On Wednesday too, the movie witnessed major footfalls and earned Rs 15.91 crores.

Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh tweets - " is displaying strong legs at the BO... Refuses to slow down on weekdays... Has eclipsed the biz of all films... Fri 20.21 cr, Sat 22.71 cr, Sun 27.91 cr, Mon 17.54 cr, Tue 16.53 cr, Wed 15.91 cr. Total: ₹ 120.81 cr. India biz. BLOCKBUSTER."

Terribly misogynistic: CBFC member Vani Tripathi Tikoo on Shahid Kapoor’s ‘Kabir Singh’

The movie's dream run at the box office has surprisingly surpassed the collections of the biggest box office hits released this year so far thereby creating a new box office record for Shahid Kapoor.

The movie, which has wooed the audience and taken the nation by storm, has also brought Shahid the appreciation he deserves for portraying such a complex character.

The record-breaking success of Kabir Singh reinstates the actor’s faith in a film high on content, performance, critical acclaim and box office.