Late Sridevi and Boney Kapoor’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor hogged all the limelight with her stunning photos from her Maldives vacation. The ‘Dhadak’ actress slipped into a monokini and flaunted her toned legs while striking for the camera. Janhvi’s pictures went viral on social media in no time. The star kid is once again trending on the internet, courtesy her video with her gang of friends. 

Janhvi posted a video wherein she can be seen grooving to the beats of Cardi B’s ‘Up’ with her friends. The ‘Kargil Girl’ actress, who donned a purple top, took up the dancing challenge with her squad. 

She posted the video on her official Instagram handle along with the caption, “I really wish we were cooler than this but.” Janhvi definitely knows how to remain in limelight, isn’t it? After all, her Instagram game is always on point.  

The clip has received over 3 lakh likes. Check it out right here! 

Janhvi made several hearts skip a beat when she flaunted her tanned body in a sexy swimsuit. She donned a colourful outfit for her exotic vacation and oozed confidence while posing for a photo.  The 'Good Luck Jerry' star turned into an 'Island Girl' while enjoying her dreamy holiday.

(Swipe to see the photos)

On the professional front, Kapoor was last seen in ‘Roohi’. The horror comedy co-starring Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma released on March 11, 2021. The film raked in decent moolah despite the COVID-19 crisis. 

Janhvi’s upcoming film ‘Dostana 2’ has remained in headlines since yesterday. Dharma Productions has sacked Kartik Aaryan from the movie which also stars Lakshya Lalwani. The production house issued a statement to confirm Kartik’s exit and film’s re-casting. 

Kartik, who was supposed to romance Janhvi, had shot for about 24 days for ‘Dostana 2’ in 2019. The ‘Pati Patni Aur Who' actor is yet to react to the news of his ouster from the film.