Mumbai: Bollywood actress Vidya Balan, who is basking in the success of ‘Sherni’, has commenced the shoot for her new film titled ‘Jalsa’. The ‘Shakuntala Devi’ star is teaming up with her ‘Tumhari Sulu’ director Suresh Triveni for the new movie, which will also star Shefali Shah in a lead role. Interestingly, T-Series and Abundantia Entertainment, who produced ‘Sherni’, have joined hands once again for the upcoming flick.
Vidya Opens Up On Working In 'Jalsa'
Vidya Balan expressed her happiness over working with Suresh for the second time. The 'Dirty Picture' actress also said that she is looking foward to working with Shefali Shah.
“I’m very excited to collaborate again with Suresh. Tumhari Sulu was a one-of-a-kind, fun experience and I look forward to us creating something special with Jalsa. Jalsa is an edgy but human story and I can’t wait to firstly start work on and then share it with the world. I’m also delighted to reunite with Abundantia Entertainment and T-series on the back of Sherni and look forward to working with Shefali who I have admired for long as also the rest of amazing cast and awesome crew," Balan said in a statement.
‘Jalsa’ Star Cast
The film will also feature several talented artists including Rohini Hattangadi, Iqbal Khan, Vidhatri Bandi, Gurpal Singh. Manav Kaul, who played Vidya’s on-screen husband in ‘Tumhari Sulu’, will be seen in a special appearance. Prajwal Chandrashekar and Suresh Triveni have written the script while Hussain and Abbas Dalal have penned the dialogues.
‘Jalsa’ Release Date
The upcoming film, which is touted as an intense drama, will hit the silver screens in summer of 2022. The cast and crew commenced the shoot from Thursday (August 12). Vidya took to social media to share an update about her new film. She wrote, "Beyond excited to reunite with #SureshTriveni and to team-up with the brilliant @shefalishahofficial to create something special! 2022 mein #Jalsa hoga! #JalsaBegins Filming."
Vidya managed to earn rave reviews for her performance as a forest officer in 'Sherni', which premiered directly on Amazon Prime Video in June 2021. Both movie buffs and critics lauded the actress for her power-packed performance in the film, which was directed by Amit Masurkar.
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