The 32-year-old actress shared her excitement through her social media post on working with her favourite people Ramesh Taurani, D'Souza and Khan again as they begin their journey of the upcoming Bollywood flick 'Race 3.'
The 'Kick' star is all set to get our hearts racing with her upcoming film 'Race 3' alongside Salman Khan.
The actress took to Twitter and wrote, "Back to working with people I love @rameshtaurani @remodsouza @kamera002 @anaitashroffadajania @shaanmu and the one and only @beingsalmankhan and here's to all the new friendships we will make along the way ??? let the RACE begin!! #race3 #firstday #Repost @beingsalmankhan."
'Race 3' also stars Bobby Deol, Daisy Shah and Saqib Saleem in pivotal roles with whom the actress will be sharing screen space for the first time.