As Bollywood fans in India are curious to know about the health update of actor Irrfan Khan who is currently undergoing treatment in UK after being diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor  an unverified picture of him, watching a test match in London, is going viral on Twitter. A Pakistani journalist shared the image of Irrfan Khan from the Lord's Cricket Stadium in London on Twitter with a caption that read, "Pic shared by @Furqan013 - there’s actor Irfan Khan enjoying the match at Lord’s #ENGvPAK."

This tweet went viral within a few hours as the person in the picture bears an uncanny resemblance to our very own Bollywood actor.
The viral pic divided Twitter into two halves, and a debate started soon after on whether it is Irrfan or not. There was a user, who also tweeted saying that it was indeed Irrfan, as he was seated just a row ahead of him. He even said that many came to take a picture with him but the actor refused citing his health.

On a related, the Piku actor’s last tweet was a while ago when he tweeted a poster of his film Karwaan. He was off Twitter after he reached London for his treatment. A few days back, Soojit Sircar confirmed that Irrfan is doing better and is on a road to recovery.