New Delhi: Last year was a tragic one for the Entertainment industry as it took away some of the rarest gems of Bollywood. This includes Irrfan Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Sushant Singh Rajput, Saroj Khan, Wajid Khan among others. It has been almost 11 months that the ‘Angrezi Medium’ actor Irrfan Khan left for his heavenly abode on April 29, 2020. The actor lost the battle of life to colon infection and he was also fighting the war against the dangerous cancer neuroendocrine tumours from 2018.
Irrfan’s son Babil keeps on sharing throwback pictures and memories of the ‘Maqbool’ actor. Recently, he shared before and after pictures of his parents. The first picture was taken in NSD and the second picture was taken 35 years after that.
While sharing the post, Babil wrote, “Mamma and baba in NSD cut to mamma and baba 35 years later.”
As soon as he shared the picture, fans started showering love on the couple. One fan commented “Soul mates for life and beyond, always and forever 😍❤️🙌”. Another fan wrote, “asli asli couple goals😍”.
A few days ago, Babil also shared a throwback picture of Irrfan with Tabu. He wrote while sharing, “I know it’s been a minute. When my superstitions allow me to, I will reveal what I’ve been busy with, but there’s some stuff cookin’ <3 Anyway, since I’m obviously extremely frightened on having started my journey in Indian cinema without any formal training on acting and 8 years too early, I often calm my anxieties by looking at baba’s pictures from NSD and earlier films. Here’s something for his fans :))”
He also shared a screenshot of his chat with ‘The Namesake’ actor and wrote, “This was intense on a level I could not explain. I was deleting unnecessary chats from my WhatsApp and I found this. For f**k’s sake. I was almost about to text him back just for the thrill of feeling like “mera bhai idhar hi hai mere saath”.”
Meanwhile, Irrfan Khan was last seen in the movie ‘Anngrezi Medium’ alongside Radhika Madan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Deepak Dobriyal and others.
ALSO READ | ‘Irrfan Khan's Finish Line Came Too Soon, But We Are Proud Of Him’: Wife Sutapa Sikdar
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