Bollywood actor Salman Khan is all set to be the Goodwill Ambassador for Indian contingent at #RioOlympics2016. Salman who plays a wrestler in his film ''Sultan'' is soon going to be the face of Indian sporting community internationally.  The Rio Olympics will start from August 5.

Salman Khan shared several pictures of him at the event as well.

ANI tweeted: “Prominent Bollywood actor Salman Khan to be the Goodwill Ambassador for Indian contingent at #RioOlympics2016”

The actor also took to Twitter, and confirmed the news, by sharing a picture with the official jersey for Indian athletes at the Olympics. One can also see Mary Kom, Sardar Singh, Ritu Rani, Deepika Kumari, Manika Batra in the picture along with other Indian prominent faces.


It indeed is a proud moment for India as Salman becomes the prominent face.