Ludhiana: Amid rising tension between India and Pakistan, Bollywood dancer and actor Rakhi Sawant said that she can even die for India if needed. The actor also praised the steps India took after Pulwama terror attack. Rakhi stated that whatever step Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken in order to give a befitting reply to Pakistan after the Pulwama attack is completely right.

We don’t want to say anything on this, Modi ji has given the right reply to them. He is doing everything and we support him,” Rakhi told ANI on the sidelines of an event in Ludhiana in Punjab.

Claiming that she can also die for the India, Rakhi said, “I can also die for the nation, I will willingly go the rival’s territory with 50-100 bombs and destroy them if needed.”

Praying for the safe return of the IAF pilot, Rakhi added, “Modi ji has given the right answer to Pulwama attack. I pray that our pilots reach safely.

Meanwhile, Indian wrestler Khali who was also present at the event with Rakhi, too spoke about the rising tensions between India and Pakistan.

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Whatever Narendra Modi is doing, he is doing the right thing. But this event is about wrestling so let’s focus on that only.

Nation comes first, if needed I can go and stand with our soldiers right now. The environment is tense but we still have to keep working, our government is teaching the right lesson to them and we support them,” Khali added.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) conducted air strikes on terror camps in Pakistan, which entire India hailed. From Bollywood celebrities to sports stars, from general public to politicians, everyone came out in support of the operation taken in response to Pulwama terror attack that killed around 40 CRPF personnel on February 14. Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Jaishe-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for the attack.

The air strikes, which are being touted as ‘Surgical Strike 2.0’ took place on February 26 around 3:30 am using 12 Mirage 2,000 fighter jets. The aircraft dropped 1,000 kg laser-guided bombs on a major terror camp across the Line of Control, completely destroying it.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday announced that Indian Pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan will be released on Friday as a peace gesture.

Abhinandan, flying a MiG -21 Bison fighter plane, was chasing Pakistani jets which transgressed into Jammu and Kashmir yesterday and crossed over to PoK where his aircraft was shot down. He ejected safely and was taken to the custody by Pakistani Army.