New Delhi: The trailer of 'Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se' brings together veteran actor Dharmendra and his sons Sunny and Bobby Deol. The trailer of the third installment in the 'Yamla Pagla Deewana' franchise shows the 'Sholay' star as a drunkard who hallucinates about 'apsaras'. While Sunny embraces his 'dhai-kilo-ka-hath' image, Bobby romances Kriti Kharbanda in 90s style. The story takes the Deols to Gujarat where they pretend to be Gujaratis.

Deol trio in a still from 'Yamla Pagla...' trailer

The movie also has multiple cameos from various actors, including Salman Khan, Shatrughan Sinha, Rekha and Sonakshi Sinha.

Sunny Deol took to Twitter to unveil the trailer and wrote, "Ab har jagah honge sirf charche humare kyunki leke aye hai triple fun, Yamla, Pagla aur Deewana tumhare! #YPDPhirSeTrailer, Out Now! .@ypdphirse @aapkadharam @thedeol @kriti_official @PenMovies @jayantilalgada @saregamaglobal @SohamRockstrEnt"

Sunny Deol unveils poster of 'Bhaiyyaji Superhitt'

Helmed by Navaniat Singh, 'Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se' will hit the big screens on August 31.

Watch the trailer below: