Mumbai: Actress Bhumi Pednekar, who made her debut in Bollywood in 2015 with the film "Dum Laga Ke Haisha", became nostalgic and emotional as the film completed four years on Wednesday. "Four years and 30 kg ago, my dream came true in the maddest possible way with 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha'. I'll cherish this film forever," Bhumi tweeted.

Take a look at her tweet below:

Bhumi Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu to play the roles of world’s oldest female sharpshooters in Anurag Kashyap’s next!

The National Award-winning film revolves around a boy named Prem essayed by Ayushmann Khurranna, a school dropout, who hesitantly marries an educated but overweight girl, Sandhya. The couple come closer when they take part in a race, which involves Prem carrying Sandhya on his back.

After "Dum Laga Ke Haisha", Bhumi featured in several movies like "Shubh Mangal Saavdhan" and "Toilet- Ek Prem Katha". She will next be seen in the forthcoming film "Sonchiriya".