Bollywood Drugs case: The Narcotics Control Bureau conducted a raid at Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal’s residence in Mumbai earlier today. The agency has reportedly summoned the actor and has asked him to join the investigation on November 11. His electronic gadgets have been seized by the agency. NCB has also summoned girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades has also been summoned by the agency on November 11.

Also Read|Drugs Case: After Arjun Rampal, NCB Summons Actor's Girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades On November 11

NCB conducted the raid for 7 hours at Arjun Rampal's residence and have seized some restricted medicines along with the gadgets.

NCB had earlier quizzed famous actresses Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, and Shraddha Kapoor in the Bollywood drug connection case after Deepika's ex-manager Karishma's chats suggested that all of them were involved in some drug network. Some reports suggest that now NCB is moving forward to bring SRA on the radar which means S-Shah Rukh Khan, R-Ranbir Kapoor, and A-Arjun Rampal.

A month earlier, reports emerged that suggested that the SRA factor will be probed in the drugs case but only the 3 actresses were questioned. Now, NCB has begun its raid for the actors of the Bollywood industry starting with Arjun Rampal.

A few days earlier, NCB arrested a drug peddler named Abdul Wahid who confessed to supplying drugs to Firoz Nadiadwala's wife Shabana Saeed.  The producer has also been summoned by the NCB and has just arrived at their office for interrogation. His wife and others have been produced before Court for remand.

NCB also arrested Arjun Rampal's girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades' brother who not only has connections with Bollywood drug peddlers but has some international connections. Demetriades' brother's arrest has led to the NCB summon for Arjun Rampal.

Such raids and arrests suggest that NCB is still looking for more connections in the Bollywood drugs case which can also reveal names of some Bollywood biggies and superstars.

(With inputs from Ganesh Thakur)