Priyanka Chopra has been grabbing headlines, all thanks to the rumours of her impending wedding with fiancé Nick Jonas. The two lovebirds have no qualms getting all lovey dovey and their pictures on social media are a solid proof that their relationship is becoming stronger with every passing day. On Saturday (October 27), when women across India kept Karwa Chauth fasts for their husband, PeeCee had shared a picture on Instagram of a sky waiting for the moon.

The picture had the caption, ‘’Chand Chupa Badal Mein’’ and it was enough to make everyone wonder if our ‘Desi’ girl had kept a fast for Nick Jonas.

Here’s what Priyanka shared on her Instagram story.

(Priyanka Chopra's Instagram story)

The ‘Quantico’ actress had also wished the women in India on Twitter on the occasion of Karwa Chauth.

Priyanka and Nick had their traditional roka ceremony on August 18 and since then the two lovebirds have been giving us serious couple goals.  Speculations are rife that NickYanka will get hitched in the city of Jodhpur.

Woah! Priyanka Chopra & Nick Jonas to APPEAR together on THIS POPULAR reality show?

Interestingly, a report in a leading daily suggested that Priyanka’s mom Madhu Chopra wants her to have a traditional wedding with all the functions and rituals.

“Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra, wants to have a traditional Indian wedding for her daughter. So, there will be a mehendi and sangeet ceremonies on November 30 and December 1. PC and Nick are planning to fly down their closest buddies for their big moment. They have locked two venues in Jodhpur for the three-day function,” a source told DNA.

“Priyanka and Nick’s sangeet and bachelor’s night will happen at Mehrangarh Fort whereas the nuptials will be organised at the Umaid Bhawan Palace. The couple has also reportedly planned a huge reception for their entire B-Town gang in Mumbai later that month,” the source further told the daily.

Watch this space for more updates!

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