Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who kick started the shoot of Ali Abbas Zafar’s ‘Bharat’ on Sunday, has a jam-packed schedule with films like ‘Sher Khan’ and ‘Dabangg 3’ in his kitty. As per the latest buzz, the ‘Race 3’ star is all set to feature in the sequel of one of his most loved films. We are talking about ‘Ready’. The Anees Bazmee directorial starring Salman Khan and Asin minted over Rs 100 crore at the box office.

A report in a leading daily suggested that the makers of the film are in talks with Salman Khan for ‘Ready’ sequel. Bhushan Kumar, who produced the action romantic comedy film, while talking to the daily said that the team is waiting for the right script to the take sequel forward.

“Bharat, my production with Atul Agnihotri, has just started and now we are in talks with Salman bhai and Anees bhai for Ready 2. We are just waiting for the script to get ready so that we can take it forward,” Kumar told Mumbai Mirror.

(Salman as Prem from Ready, Source- web)

Anees Bazmee, who last directed ‘Mubarakan’, told the daily that he can’t wait to start working on the film.

"Bhushanji and I have been in talks for a few months now. He had also been interested in making Ready 2 for quite some time. Things are looking positive after our most recent meeting. I haven’t met Salman bhai to discuss dates and other details yet. Taking the film on the floors will depend on his availability," the ‘Welcome Back’ director further told the daily.

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The report also said that the makers are yet to finalise the leading leading opposite the ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ actor. The songs of ‘Ready’ became an instant hit, specially ‘Dhinka Chinka’ which topped the charts for several weeks.

(Salman and Asin in a still from Ready, Source- Web)

Salman Khan, who is busy with ‘Dus Ka Dum 3’ and ‘Bharat’ shooting, wrapped up his Dabangg Reloaded Tour in the USA and Canada earlier this month. The ‘Sultan’ actor is right now focusing on ‘Bharat’, which marks the Bollywood comeback of Priyanka Chopra after two years.

So, are you excited for Ready 2? Tell us in the comments section below. Also tell us if you wish to see Asin back as Salman's heroine in 'Ready 2'.

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