Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh hosted their first Wedding Reception in Bengaluru last night i.e. 21st November[PICS!] in hotel The Leela Palace and the couple slayed with their royal look dressed in Rohit Bal and Sabyasachi Mukherjee respectively. Deepika's golden banarasi saree however was not designed by Sabysachi and was gifted by her mother Ujjala Padukone who bought it from a store in Bangalore, the designer only styled her[All you need to know about Deepika’s outfit at #DeepVeer Reception]. The various pictures and videos have flooded the social media pages since, with inside candid moments and couple's PDA ruling over the hearts. When you scroll through these on Twitter and Instagram, you will certainly find some Bollywood divas also finding place among #DeepVeerReception pictures and you will not mind it we bet! And these stunners are Kangana Ranaut, Anushka Sharma and Kareena Kapoor Khan.

The reason is the striking similarity between Deepika's look and the rest of them.

First, let's talk about the most obvious comparison.

Anushka Sharma

The one person the most number of fans are reminded of, looking at Deepika's look from Bengaluru Reception, is Anushka Sharma. Interestingly these pictures of 'Zero' star going viral again are also from her Wedding reception event. Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli's Wedding reception in Delhi was in December last year and her look completely resembles Deepika's latest look. While Deepika was styled by designer Sabyasachi, Virushka were also wearing the same designer's ensemble. Deepika was wearing a choker necklace with gajra in her hair bun, exactly like Anushka did a year ago.

The comparisons are drawn with fans posting pictures of them both putting them side by side in various angles.

Kangana Ranaut

Deepika's golden saree at the reception was bought from a Bengaluru store by her mother Ujjala and was given to Sabyasachi who then styled the new bride. Another picture of Kangana's surfaces showing her wearing a similar saree with the same ivory blouse Deepika was wearing.

Kareena Kapoor Khan

Kareena's picture posing royally with husband Saif Ali Khan is also making rounds as it is compared with the first look picture of DeepVeer they shared on social media moments before appearing at their reception at hotel The Leela Palace. Ranveer standing beside while Deepika seated in the picture is compared with Saif standing with Kareena in the same pose.

Saifeena and DeepVeer (pic: Instagram)

ALSO - Awww! Watch bubby Ranveer help wife Deepika fix her saree at their Bengaluru Wedding reception!

The social media is currently buzzing with all these pictures and we must say the fanclubs do some really fine job. Although DeepVeer are also trolled by some with these pictures. But we are enjoying these gorgeous throwbacks and choose to turn blind eye to the trolls.

Deepika-Ranveer who tied the knot in two wedding ceremonies.. Konkani on 14th November and Sindhi wedding (Anand Karaj) on 15th November in Italy's Lake Como, will be hosting their next Wedding reception on 28th Nov in Mumbai and yet another in the same city on 1st December for the film industry.