New Delhi: After dropping the much-awaited trailer of her upcoming film 'Chapaak', Deepika Padukone shared posters of the film along with an emotional post on Instagram on Tuesday. "Rarely do you come across a story where you do not need an entire narration to decide if you want to be a part of a film or not. What is even more rare is to not be able to articulate and put into words what you feel for the film and it's journey," the actor captioned the picture.

Earlier during the trailer launch of 'Chapaak', Padukone burst out in tears while speaking about the film. Other than playing the protagonist in the film, Padukone is also producing the film. Check out the film's posters!

The film is based on the real-life acid attack survivor Laxmi, who at the age of 15, was attacked allegedly by a spurned lover in 2005. Laxmi had to undergo several surgeries. Later, she took up the job of helping acid attack survivors and promoted campaigns to stop such attacks.

WATCH: Deepika Padukone breaks into tears during 'Chhapaak' trailer launch

Laxmi is a well-known advocate of stricter punishments in acid attack cases.

'Chhapaak' is being helmed by director Meghna Gulzar who is known for her outstanding work in blockbuster hit 'Raazi'. It is being co-produced by Deepika and Fox Star Studios.

READ: Here's how Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel REACTED to 'Chhapaak' Trailer

The film marks Deepika's production debut in Bollywood. The movie is set to hit theatres on January 10, 2020.