Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone tied the knot on November 14 and 15 at Lake Como after being in a relationship for five years. The couple shared their pictures from the wedding yesterday, making the fans go aww. The photos from DeepVeer’s wedding went viral in no time and fans have flooded the comments section with their warm messages. It won’t be wrong to say that the two lovebirds radiated love in their pictures and their wedding was nothing short of a dreamy fairy tale.

Deepika-Ranveer’s wedding photographer Errikos Andreou, who clicked the mesmerizing pictures, even called it a wedding of dreams. The ace photographer took to Instagram to post the pictures shared by DeepVeer with the caption, ‘’ @ranveersingh and @deepikapadukone my deepest and warmest congratulations! This was a wedding made of dreams!’’.

Check out his post!

Meet the man who was behind the picture-perfect moments from DeepVeer's wedding.

Fans are requesting him to share more pictures from Ranveer and Deepika’s wedding and we also want the same thing to happen.

One fan wrote, ‘’ Pls ask #DeepVeer permission n share more pics of them. Specially one standing pics of them from both weddings.’’

(Source- Instagram)

Another wrote,’’ When are we getting more pics ??? How I wish they had a kiss pic of theirs how romantic.’’

(Source- Instagram)

Deepika and Ranveer got married according to Konkani and Sindhi rituals in the presence of their family members and close friends. The groom’s house in Mumbai is all decked up to welcome the newly married couple. The couple is said to stay at Deepika’s house at Prabhadevi till the time their dream abode is ready.

As soon as Deepika and Ranveer shared their wedding pictures, Bollywood celebs like Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhatt, Hrithik Roshan started showering the couple with their congratulatory wishes. The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ stars will be hosting a party for their tinsel town friends on December 1. They will also throw wedding receptions in Bangalore and Mumbai on November 21 and November 28 respectively.

DeepVeer Wedding: 'Yeh Deewani toh BHAVNANI ho gayi', Ranveer's father welcomes Deepika to family in filmy style!

Watch this space for more updates!

DeepVeer Sindhi wedding: Groom’s friends tear his clothes as part of ‘Saanth’ tradition