Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan wrote a personalised note to veteran actress Neena Gupta after watching her latest entertainer "Badhaai Ho" as he was highly impressed by her performance in the film. Neena, who essays the role of a 50-year-old expecting mother in the film, took to Instagram to share a snapshot the letter. She captioned it: "Aapse ye patr aur pushp paake ankhen khushi se bhar aain. Thank you so much, Amitabh Bachchan sir. (Got tears in my eyes after receiving this letter and flowers from you. Thank you Amitabh Bachchan sir.)"

Check out her post below:

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In the letter, Big B, 76, praised the film and the acting by the entire cast. He said he got tears of joy after watching it.

"Badhaai Ho", which also stars Gajraj Rao, Ayushmann Khurrana and Sanya Malhotra, is based on the story of an elderly couple who are expecting their third child.

As of November 5, the film had crossed the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office.