Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, known for her acting prowess, has launched on official website on Thursday (April 8). The ‘Piku’ actress said that her website, which couldn’t launch earlier due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has ‘elements which are an extension of her personality’. The tinsel town diva shared glimpses of her new website on her official Instagram handle and revealed that she was working on it for several months.
Many celebs including Ranveer Singh, Farah Khan, Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Kabir Khan have described Deepika in the biography section of the website. They shared the qualities which make the 'Tamasha' actress a bona fide star.
Ranveer called himself the ‘proudest husband in the world’ and shared the qualities that make his wife a ‘true and authentic artist’. He said, “Deepika is the most amazing person I've met in my life. And I'm not just saying this because she's my wife. Deepka nurtures a universe within herself: of love, kindness, compassion, kindness, intelligence, beauty grace and empathy.”
Choreographer Farah Khan, who launched Deepika in Bollywood, said that the leggy lass would always remain her ‘baby’. “There was innate dignity and poise that I saw in her, that I haven't seen in too many girls that age. 13 years later, these 2 qualities, remain intact,” Farah said.
Deepika made her debut in the Hindi film industry opposite Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Om Shanti Om’ in 2007.
Sabyasachi, who designed Deepika’s entire wedding look, wrote, “We bonded over street food. The girl has an enormous appetite and I like women who eat.”
"I hope all of you enjoy my website," Deepika said in her audio message. Check out her post!
On the professional front, Deepika and Ranveer will be seen together in Kabir Khan's '83'.
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