Bollywood actor Govinda took to social media to inform his fans that he has tested negative for COVID-19. The ‘Coolie No.1’ star shared a health update on his official Instagram handle and said that he has recovered from the virus. Govinda's son Yashvardan Ahuja, while exclusively talking to ABP News, had revealed that the actor had contracted Coronavirus.

Govinda posted a quirky video on social media wherein he can be seen grooving. He shared the boomerang video along with the caption, “Apun aa gayela hain. #testednegative.” Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. Check it out!

Ranveer Singh and Siddhant Chaturvedi also dropped comments on the post. While Ranveer posted eyes with hearts emoji, his ‘Gully Boy’ co-star dropped a heart emoji.

Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja had also contracted the virus two weeks back. She has completely recovered from COVID-19.  Yashvardan also revealed that his 74-year old grandmother (Sunita's mother and Govinda's mother-in-law) had also tested positive for COVID-19. He added that her condition is worrisome.

Govinda, who had mild symptoms, went into self-quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19. “Govinda was feeling weak and was sensing the loss of taste since the past few days. So, he got himself tested and the report came in as positive today,” the actor’s secretary told ABP News when he was diagnosed with the virus.

Many Bollywood celebs including Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal have recently tested positive for COVID-19. Akshay, who was shooting for 'Ram Setu', was admitted to a hospital after he he contracted the virus. Other tinsel town celebs are observing home quarantine after testing positive.

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