Mumbai: Amitabh Bachchan and Katrina Kaif could star as father and daughter in an upcoming slice-of-life comedy. The film is to be directed by "Queen" helmer Vikas Bahl according to a report in Mumbai Mirror, and is tentatively titled as "Deadly".
"The film is tentatively titled 'Deadly', as the story is centred around a funeral. Katrina loved the basic premise, which essentially traces the protagonist's journey of self-discovery with humorous undertones, and gave an instant go-ahead to Vikas," the newspaper reported a source as saying.
The source added that Katrina , who has primarily enthralled fans as a mainstream star over her nearly-17-year career, is looking to experiment with new genres now and the project fits the bill at this point. The makers have reportedly approached Bachchan with an offer for the central role, and an official announcement of the project will be made soon as he gives a confirmation.
Incidentally, Katrina's Bollywood debut film "Boom" (2003) also starred Big B as a protagonist. She also had a cameo in the Big B-starrer "Sarkar" (2005) and featured with Bollywood icon Big B and superstar Aamir Khan in "Thugs Of Hindostan" (2018). Recently, Big B and Katrina played father and daughter in a new advertisement.