New Delhi: The comedy film 'Cirkus' marks the return of Ranveer Singh and Rohit Shetty as a team. The highly anticipated movie was underwhelming despite extensive promotion from the makers. It was anticipated that 'Cirkus' would make everyone in the room laugh out loud.
However, the comedy film premiered today, and it appears that neither critics nor audiences were impressed. As soon as the first show of 'Cirkus' was over, many social media users began posting their thoughts on the movie. In fact, the movie drove internet users to start a meme fest on Twitter.
Here is what viewers saying about the film:
IANS review of the Ranveer Singh starrer reads: "Old gags, insufferable jokes, bad acting and a plot that just doesn't take off. Even when writers Farhad Samji, Sanchit Bedre and Vidhi Ghodgaonkar attempt to Indianise the much-amended tale, there's nothing out there in terms of a creative twist in this over-two-hour-long film."
Along with actors like Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Varun Sharma, the movie also has cameo appearances from Deepika Padukone and Ajay Devgn. For the first time ever, Ranveer Singh plays a dual role.T-Series and Rohit Shetty Productionz collaborated on the film's production.