After the big-fat wedding of Ranveer Singh & Deepika Padukone earlier this month, now their 'Bajirao Mastani' co-star Priyanka Chopra is set to get married to beau Nick Jonas tomorrow (1st December) at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. The pre-wedding ceremonies of Priyanka & Nick have already started & yesterday (29th November) the mehendi ceremony took place[Check out an exclusive inside pic from Priyanka-Nick's mehendi ceremony]. Much like DeepVeer's wedding, Priyanka & Nick too have banned smartphones in their wedding. Hence, not many glimpses from their pre-wedding ceremonies are out yet. But, a picture & video of welcome goodies received by Priyanka & Nick's wedding guests are doing the rounds on Internet.

Priyanka-Nick's roka ceremony pic (Photo: Instagram)

Priyanka Nick Wedding EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Cricket match between Nickyanka; Mehendi, Sangeet, Haldi & MORE!

The lavish gift hamper wrapped in white & gold. Also, cards with Priyanka & Nick's initials, NP, embossed on the hamper. Check out the picture & video of Nickyanka's welcome goodies for their guests below (SWIPE LEFT):

Priyanka-Nick Wedding EXCLUSIVE! First Pics of Umaid Bhawan lit up & Sangeet ceremony stage set!

Apart from the welcome gift, Priyanka & Nick have planned to gift their guests a special giveaway present as well. The couple will be giving silver coins with their name initials 'NP' engraved on one side and Lord Ganesha-Laxmi carved on the other[SEE PIC of the giveaway gift here]. Isn't it great?

Coming back to their pre-wedding rituals, the much-in-love couple's sangeet ceremony will be held tonight (30th November). Tomorrow (1st December), they will exchange nuptial vows in a christian wedding & will then tie the knot following Indian rituals on 2nd December.

Stay tuned for more updates!