In her first red carpet appearance at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival 2019, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut looked no less than a princess out of a fairy tale in a stunning pink and lavender hued trailed gown. Dressed in a stunning soft and feminine gown by Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco couture, she looked every bit of a dream in her gorgeous outfit as she posed on the red carpet. Check out the actress posing like a diva on the red carpet below:
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posing like a queen
Kangana looked magical on the red carpet
We loved her stunning outfit
The 32-year-old actress completed her look with Chopard jewels, soft curls and minimal make-up.
Kangana stunned in her Michael Cinco Couture gown, with pink and lavender hues
And what really caught the eye was her beautiful long embellished trail.
"I am wearing a Michael Cinco Couture gown, with pink and lavender hues and it's jewelled. It is very structured but at the same time, it has an absolutely romantic vibe to it. It is fierce and translucent but has a romantic vibe," Kangana, who is here courtesy a brand association with Grey Goose, said in a statement.
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Talking about her look, she said: "The hair is very romantic and regal and the make-up is also soft and we didn't create contrast. I have never done softer looks, I have never done pink for any red carpet and it's not my colour, so for me, it's a definition of a risk."
Kangana made her first Cannes appearance with a classic Kanjeevaram saree paired with a corset, followed by an edgy Nedret Taciroglu pant-suit for an after a party.
With IANS inputs
Cannes 2019! PHOTOS: Like a QUEEN! Kangana Ranaut looks breathtakingly gorgeous in a white embellished gown on the RED CARPET!
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
18 May 2019 12:37 PM (IST)
The 32-year-old actress Kangana stepped on the red carpet in a stunning soft and feminine gown by Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco couture, she looked every bit of a dream in it.
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