New Delhi: The wait is finally over. The makers of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer 'Brahmastra' have launched the motion poster of the film at a fan event in Delhi on Wednesday (December 15). The two B-town stars, who are playing the lead roles in the science fiction flick, were present at the launch. While Kapoor is playing the role of Shiva, Bhatt will be seen as his on-screen partner Isha in the much-awaited movie.
Alia shared the motion poster of 'Brahmastra' on her Instagram handle along with the caption, "His power lights from within. Here comes our Shiva." Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages, expressing their excitement over the film.
Kudos to the director and editing team for delivery an intriguing motion poster, that has captured the attention of the audience. The one-minute and 14-second video featured voice overs from Alia and Ranbir, who familiarise the fans about the events which would unfold. The makers have attempted to present a never-before-seen flick by blending the themes of sci-fi and mythology.
Amitabh Bachchan Shares First Look Of Ranbir Kapoor From 'Brahmastra'.
The megastar took to social media to share a poster of Ranbir from 'Brahmastra'. Big B wrote, "Get ready! The date is set! Brahmāstra Part One: Shiva is coming on 09.09.2022."
Ahead of the launch of Brahmastra's motion poster, Alia Bhatt and Ayan Mukerji visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib to seek blessings. The 'Gully Boy' star posted a series of photos with Ayan after visiting the popular gurudwara.
'Brahmastra' Release Date
The highly anticipated flick will hit the silver screens on September 9, 2022. The movie also features Nagarjuna, Dimple Kapadia and Mouni Roy in pivotal roles.
The first installment of the three-part franchise will be released in five Indian languages – Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada.
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