New Delhi: Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt and director Ayan Mukerji visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib on Wednesday (December 15) ahead of the launch of the motion poster of 'Brahmastra'. Alia, who will be seen opposite Ranbir Kapoor in the film, shared a series of photos with Ayan on social media. The duo, who sought blessings at the gurudwara for their upcoming flick, beamed with joy while striking a pose for the camera. 

Also READ: Amitabh Bachchan Shares Fiery Teaser Of 'Brahmastra' Motion Poster

What Did Alia Bhatt Post?

The 'Kalank' actress used the Sikh phrase ‘ੴ’ (ek oankār) while sharing the pictures on her official Instagram. She added, “Blessings.. gratitude .. light." The 'Gully Boy' looked elegant in a traditional green outfit while Ayan sported a shirt and jacket.

Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. Several users asked Alia about her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, who didn't feature in the photos.

Also READ: Ranbir Kapoor Plays With Fire As Ayan Mukerji Promises To Reveal Final Release Date Of ‘Brahmastra’ Soon!

Alia's mother Soni Razdan, Harshdeep Kaur and other tinsel town also droppped comments on the post.

Ayan, who has directed 'Brahmastra', also posted a photo after visiting a Shiva shrine. He caption his post as, “Blessings.”

'Brahmastra' Release Date

The much-awaited flick, which has been produced by Karan Johar, will hit the silver screens on September 9, 2022. The movie also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, Dimple Kapadia and Mouni Roy in key roles.

Also READ: 'It's The Largest Endeavour I Have Seen...': Karan Johar Shares Post Ahead of Release Of 'Brahmastra' Motion Poster

While Ranbir will be seen as Shiva, Alia is playing the role of Isha in 'Brahmastra'. Movie buffs are quite excited for the science fantasy film as it Kapoor and Bhatt will share screen-space for the first time on the big screen.

The first installment of the three-part franchise will release in five Indian languages – Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada. 

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