Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana has given financial help to veteran actress Savita Bajaj, who has been sick for a long time. He has transferred a huge amount to the bank account of the actress. Recently, Savita Bajaj requested help and shared that all her deposits have been exhausted and it has become difficult for her to survive financially. She was admitted to the ICU. But now, she has been discharged from the hospital.

Actress Nupur Alankar told that she wrote a post on Instagram asking for help for Savita Bajaj, after which Ayushman Khurrana came forward. Nupur was with Savita during this time and now Savita has been discharged from the hospital. Nupur has taken it upon herself to take care of Savita Bajaj.

During a conversation with the media, Nupur said, "It pained my heart to see Savitaji's condition. She has been a part of the industry for several years. Today, she needed help and I wanted to be by her side."

Nupur Alankar told that Sonu Sood has also helped Savita Bajaj. He has sent an oxygen concentrator. At the same time, Jackie Shroff has also transferred a huge amount.

After being discharged, Savita shared her story in an interview. Savita said, all the trouble started when she got infected with the Covid-19 virus. She added that it dried her savings as she had taken several trips to the hospital but her health did not improve. After recovering from Covid-19, she got other health issues. But now she is doing now.

She said, "The last 100 days have kept my eyes open as to who cares about me and who does not. Reality is very different. No one will stand with you in the time of sorrow. I have worked with many people in the industry. Everybody took advantage and moved on. After being discharged, I am at Nupur Alankar's house. I worked with her a few years back."