Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is currently stationed in Malta, where he is shooting for the second schedule of Ali Abbas Zafar’s ‘Bharat. The film had become the talk of the town after Priyanka Chopra’s exit. The makers of the film roped in Katrina Kaif as PeeCee’s replacement and things are back on track for Bharat. Other than Salman and Katrina, the film also stars Disha Patani, Tabu, Sunil Grover, Jackie Shroff and Aasif Sheikh. Gossip mills were buzzing with the rumours that Disha will play the Bigg Boss 12 host’s sister in the film. However, as per the latest buzz, the ‘Baaghi 2’ actress will instead play his love interest in ‘Bharat’.
A report in a leading daily suggested that Tabu will essay the role of Salman Khan’s sister in ‘Bharat’. Interestingly, the two actors were seen as a brother-sister duo in Sohail Khan’s ‘Jai Ho’.
“Though in Bharat, Tabu’s role is not long, it’s a crucial part.” On the other hand, Disha is one of his romantic interests in the film,’’ a source told DNA.
( Salman & Tabu in Jai Ho, source-web)
‘Bharat’ will see Salman Khan donning five different looks spanning 60 years, wherein the ‘Race 3’ star will be recreating his Karan-Arjun look.
Pictures of Salman Khan from ‘Bharat’ sets were recently leaked on social media and they went viral in no time.
‘Bharat’, which is an adaptation of South Korean drama ‘Ode to my father’, will hit the silver screens on Eid next year. Salman is collaborating with Ali Abbas Zafar for the third time after ‘Sultan’ and ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’.
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Also Read- Disha shoots for a song with Salman for 'Bharat'; Here's what the actress has to say