Mumbai: The makers of the upcoming espionage thriller 'Bell Bottom' featuring Akshay Kumar on Wednesday released the new look of the star on his 53rd birthday. The retro aesthetics are hard to miss as is the swag factor in the star's new look revealed by Pooja Entertainment on Instagram.
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They captions include a birthday cake emoji "BIRTHDAY SPECIAL. Introducing the suave retro look of @akshaykumar from #Bellbottom!"
Currently, the espionage thriller is being shot in Scotland. Social media updates indicate that actors Akshay Kumar, Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta, Adil Hussain, Huma Qureshi and producers Deepshikha Deshmukh, and Jackky Bhagnani and director Ranjit Tewari are currently in the country as part of the shoot crew.
The spy-thriller, directed by Ranjit M Tewari is slated for release on April 2, 2021. The first poster of the movie was released by Akshay Kumar in November, last year. Vaani Kapoor will be seen sharing the screen space opposite the 'Good Newwz' actor for the first time.
The film, set in the 80s, is an original screenplay inspired by true events.
Retro Aesthetics Clubbed With Swag! Akshay Kumar's New Look From 'Bell Bottom' Unveiled On Actor's Birthday
Updated at:
09 Sep 2020 11:58 PM (IST)
The spy-thriller 'Bell Bottom' directed by Ranjit M Tewari is slated for release on April 2, 2021. The film, set in the 80s, is an original screenplay inspired by true events.
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