New Delhi: The trailer of Manoj Bajpayee’s upcoming film ‘Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai’ was released last week. The film is the story of an ordinary man, a high court lawyer (played by Manoj), who single-handedly fights an extraordinary case of the rape of a minor under the POCSO Act against a powerful godman. The film is said to be inspired by real-life events. Manoj’s character’s name in the movie is called PC Solanki, same as the lawyer who fought the case against Asaram Bapu. The viewers were quick to interpret that the godman in the film is based on Asaram Bapu.
According to the Times of India, Asaram Bapu has now sent a legal notice to the makers of the film through his charitable trust. The lawyers state that the film is highly objectionable and defamatory towards their client and can tarnish his reputation and hit the sentiments of his devotees and followers, according to the report.
The producer of the film confirmed the news to the Times of India.
“Yes, we have got the notice and our lawyers will decide the next move. We have made a biopic on PC Solanki and I had bought the rights from him to make this film. Now, if someone is saying that the film is based on them, they can think whatever they can and we can't stop that. Only the film will be able to tell the truth, when it comes out,” he was quoted as saying by Times of India.
Directed by Apoorv Singh Karki, the film will screen in New York International Film Festival.
Presented by Zee Studios and Bhanushali Studios Limited, Suparn S. Varma's courtroom drama is produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Kamlesh Bhanushali, Asif Sheikh and Vishal Gurnani and co-produced by Juhi Parekh Mehta.
Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai' is all set to premiere on ZEE5 on May 23.