Mumbai: Bollywood actress Ananya Panday appeared before the NCB officials on Thursday (October 21) after the anti-drugs law enforcement agency issued a summon to her in connection with an alleged rave party case in which Aryan Khan and others have been arrested. The ‘Student Of The Year 2’ star, who was accompanied by her father Chunky Panday, arrived at NCB’s Mumbai office at around 4pm.  

Ananya was seen leaving from NCB’s office at 6.15pm on Thursday evening after recording her statement in the case. The federal agency summoned her for questioning after her name featured in the WhatsApp chats of Aryan, according to a report in IANS. 

Ananya Panday To Appear Before NCB Again

According to ABP News’ correspondent Mrityunjay Singh, the Narcotics Control Bureau has directed Ananya to appear before the officials again on Friday (October 22) at 11am. Her interrogation in the seizure of drugs case will continue for another day as the agency has instructed to be available for questioning again. 

Earlier in the day, the NCB conducted a raid at Ananya’s residence in Khar West. The federal agency seized her laptop and mobile phone as part of their investigation in the drugs case. The officials are yet to clarify Ananya's role, if any, in the high profile case, as per a report in PTI.

Security was beefed up outside the NCB office when Ananya and Chunky arrived to record her statement. 

NCB Visits Mannat

An NCB team visited Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan's bungalow in Bandra for seeking documents related to the probe into the case. "The NCB Mumbai Zonal Unit officials visited 'Mannat', the residence of Aryan Khan in connection with the (Cr.94/21 case) for seeking certain material related to the investigation of the case from Shah Rukh Khan, by following due procedure of notice, etc.," Sameer Wankhede, NCB Zonal Director, said in a statement as quoted as saying by IANS.

Aryan Khan was detained and later arrested following NCB's raid on a luxury cruise on October 2. He was booked under various sections of the NDPS Act. 

On Thursday morning, SRK met his son Aryan, who is currently lodged at Mumbai's Arthur Road Central Jail. 

Watc this space for more updates!