New Delhi: Popular and loved singer Arijit Singh recently posted a long post on Facebook and going by that he seems very disturbed. Well, the singer is having second thoughts as well and again posted something after a long post on Facebook. It seems that all is not well between crew members of Salman Khan starrer Sultan. Arijit Singh went public to apologise to Salman for having allegedly insulted Salman Khan at a party. Arijit mentioned in his post that he expressed his apology multiple times through various means but Salman ignored. Arijit also mentioned in the post not to remove a song sung by him in ‘Sultan’.
The first post was deleted by him and then he wrote:
And here was the original post he wrote:
Apparently the tiff between the two was noticed at a 2014 awards function in which Arijit won the Best Male Singer. Salman in his usual best took a jibe at the singer asking whether he was sleeping sitting at the audience listening to his own song ‘Tum Hi Ho’, to which Arijit replied that "your (Salman and Riteish) hosting made me go to sleep". It seems this didn’t go too well with the Dabangg superstar. (WATCH VIDEO)
Well, What do you think? We just wait for Salman Khan to react now!